Monday, February 07, 2005

Brain Boost

Research performed by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke appears to show that passing a miniscule current (2mA) through the foreheads of test subjects improved their ability to recall learned information by an average of 20%.

Although the concept brings to mind the Krell Brain Booster from the movie "Forbidden Planet," it seems unlikely that a "mere" twenty percent boost could threaten Earth with creatures from the Id. Without a doubt, though, such enhancement could perhaps help "C" students perform like "B" or "A" students, might turn so-so speakers into motivational powerhouses, and just might keep a few of us from having to return to the store for the eggs we forgot on the first trip, or perhaps protect us from getting lost on a trip.

It's interesting to wonder what might happen if the NINDS research, or something like it, leads to an actual product. It appears the cost could be almost negligible -- probably more for "safety" enhancements (and the manufacturer's liability insurance) than for the actual device -- so it's quite possible these things could be available in vending machines. But, as with steroids in the sports world, how would a "brain boosted" generation fit into the academic and business world they'd inherit?


Blogger Gary said...

Wow, Rysolag, that's really deep! I mean, you just put the fun back in profundity! I can hardly wait to see you get the other parts, a little less dity and a lot more pro.

January 9, 2005 at 8:12:00 PM EST  

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