Friday, January 07, 2005

3-D TV

Some of us remember Phineas J. Whoopie's Three Dimensional BlackBoard from the cartoons, the "3-D BB" with which the almost-omniscient Mister Whoopie illustrated his all too brief explanations of everything from mining to medicine. The 3-D BB is beyond current technology, of course, at least as presented in the cartoons, but 3-D TV appears to be upon us.

Sharp has introduced a display, currently available primarily for computer use but potentially usable with recorded and eventually broadcast television, in which alternating lenses present stereoscopic views to the left and right eye of the viewer. The display appears to have some limitations, most obviously that viewers cannot tilt their heads -- no lounging on the couch with this one -- but also presents some interesting possibilities for such things as travelogues and sports. The most obvious advantage is that viewers don't need to wear any sort of special glasses to see the 3D image.

Have you seen the Sharp or any other "no headgear required" 3-D display (or built this one)? If so, or if not, what are your thoughts on this technology?


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