Thursday, December 24, 2009




    No one not reading this while sipping fresh-squeezed orange juice from their own tree will be unaware that the doctrine of manmade global warming has suffered a terrific setback.  Beginning with the "Climategate" incident of late last year and continuing with both record cold weather and almost daily revelations since, the breadth and depth of the web of falsehoods which underpinned this cruel hoax take one's breath away.  The worldwide impact of this very real conspiracy of lies on jobs, health and daily life approaches and may well exceed the impact we might have felt had it actually been true.  Yet the exposure of the deceit has not removed its teeth, for as "science falsely so-called" [1 Tim 6:20] is not based on facts, neither will opposing facts remove its danger.  This is well illustrated by the almost incredible parallels of general evolutionism, the former contender for the title some have already conferred on Climategate, that of "greatest scientific fraud of all time."

    Perhaps the most familiar banner waved by those who preached manmade global warming was the famous "hockey stick" graph which purported to show a precipitous rise in average temperatures coincidental to the industrial age.  Dismissed by serious climate scientists almost as soon as it first appeared, the "hockey stick" nonetheless formed the centerpiece of one politician's famous "documentary" on the subject, and has become part of many textbooks and other curricular materials.  One of the first of the Climategate revelations was the fact that data was purposely misrepresented to form the "hockey stick" graph, which would seem now to be widely and permanently disgraced.  History shows otherwise.  In 1866, desperate to lend credence to Darwin's theory, Ernst Haeckel created a set of drawings which seemed to support what was called "the law of recapitulation."  Within a very short time, Haeckel's drawings were exposed as fraudulent, and he was tried, found guilty, and soundly rebuked by the scientific community.  Nevertheless, Haeckel's drawings became a staple of biology textbooks, not as a warning but exactly as he had intended, to "prove" his clearly disproven "law."  These drawings and Haeckel's "law" remain in textbooks throughout the world today, including those used in public schools across the U.S. and Canada.  When I studied biology in college -- which I assure you, dear reader, was long after Haeckel's demise -- these drawings and the "Law of Recapitulation" were still part of the college curriculum.  How many generations of our children and grandchildren will be taught to believe the global-warming "hockey stick" if we do not demand it, and any movies or other materials presenting it, be removed permanently from our schools?

    The parallels continue.  Most readers will recall how news organizations, laboratories, publications, schools and others were sternly warned over the past few years not only to avoid hiring, but in fact to fire, anyone who expressed the slightest doubts about the doctrine of manmade global warming.  At least one highly respected climatologist, a true pioneer in the science of meteorology, was famously fired a few years ago for exposing fraudulent "global warming" claims.  Anyone who has seen author and actor Ben Stein's sobering film entitled "Expelled" is aware of the extensive use of the same tactic by proponents of general evolutionism; many highly competent scientists and teachers have had their careers maliciously ruined for nothing more than a questioning (properly scientific!) attitude toward evolutionary doctrine.  Another startling parallel -- popular culture has taken not only a supporting but in fact a leading role both in global warmism and evolutionism.  How often have we seen musicians, actors or artists expend so much effort toward supporting, let us say, 11-Dimensional M-Theory or Tensor Geometry as we see committed to promoting the two hoaxes which are the subjects of this column?  But the most offensive parallel is this: to the same degree that evolutionism brazenly denies the power of God, global warmism arrogantly exaggerates the power of man.

    Darwinian evolutionism is the doctrine -- I call it doctrine because it, like manmade global warming, is based primarily on misplaced faith -- to which most of the worst abuses of humanity in the past century and a half can be traced.  As the justification for Marxism, abortion, euthanasia, and genocide all over the world, evolutionism has led to the brutal murder of countless millions.  Global warmism has already come very close to negating the God-given rights of virtually every human being now alive, and of our descendants; for the moment it seems to have been turned aside, but as we have seen the threat remains and could now be empowered with the wrath of the cornered beast.

    Ultimately, we know, God is in control; his Word accomplishes His purpose and will not be thwarted by fraudulent "science" nor by any other effort of the father of lies.  Yet as we commit this hoax to God's hands, let us not forget that God uses means; as living sacrifices, when we do His will, our hands are God's.  We cannot stand idly by hoping that others will write the letters, attend the school board meetings and contact the politicians through which such "science falsely so-called" may be exposed and combated.

"Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was. [2 Timothy 3:8,9]

Gary Fisher


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